I am only nineteen years old, but since my early teens I have been aware that life moves fast. So fast, that oftentimes the present is gone before I remember to enjoy it. I have great hopes and dreams for my future, things I want to do places I want to go, but all of those will mean so much less if I keep looking to the next thing.
I spent this morning looking at future classes, making my ‘to do’ list, and connecting with people from home. But here I am, in Thailand and down to my last month. It feels almost impossible that time has gone by so fast. It seems not that long ago that I was in the airport at 4 in the morning crying and hugging my parents goodbye. I wasn’t sure I could do five months in a foreign country on my own, without family or friends, or even any familiar faces. I continued to feel that way till I was sick in the hospital and talking to my mom for the first and only time on the phone. I realized then that I could get through anything. By the grace of God of course.
These past few months have been trying and amazing. They have left me feeling unstoppable and even more ambitious than I was before. It isn’t just the trip to Thailand; it’s the day to day accomplishments. It’s successfully ordering and paying for lunch in Thai by myself; it’s missing my family like crazy and still being able to enjoy what’s around me, and it’s really caring for someone who I understand only half the time. None of these things happened right way, but the difficulties I went through made each one of my little accomplishments so much bigger.
I can come up with a hundred ideas of what my future might look like, and lord knows I’ll put time and effort into preparing for it. But it would be foolish of me not take part in what is happening now. After all, the future will be the present soon enough.
Catch you on the flip side.
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