Monday, April 26, 2010

That’s food you eat at a carnival or a Turkish prison.

Over the weekend the Bean and I tried our new cake mold. It turned out great. And since Mom and Dad were gone, we added ice cream and chillaxed in front of "Robots."

I've been doing the lazy thing lately, but only because it was the weekend. Come Monday I am back to work. I have even taken to wake up at 6:15 a few days a week to run. I am actually doing well, and slowly but surly increasing my time. Which is my goal. However because of my increase exercise, it has become clear I need actual running shoes. The ones I am using now are not cutting it.

I have also been working with Mom to plan my grad party. I'm officially going to have a bouncy castle at my party. Unfortunately my rejoicing was cut short by the giant cleaning list we have to do. But I'm not gonna let it keep me down, I will have a killer party.

Catch you on the flip side.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

They took an episode of cops and made it a hit song

Last night, instead of going to the prom like the rest of the seniors in my town, I went to an Ingrid Michaelson concert.
There are some musical acts that are better on CD than live (Colbie Caillat), others are better live than CD (The Blue Man Group). Ingrid Michaelson is phenomenal in both ways.
She interacted with her band, had crowd participation, had a great live voice, and pulled a "that's what he said." On top of all that she had great covers of both Radiohead and Britney Spears (there was a dance sequence).
Since the concert was at my sister's college, I got to spend the night in her room. We chilled and went to see "The Clash of the Titian's." My sister's roommate was upset because there were no Titans. The movie was not all that good for a myth movie. However I was a fan of their us of braids.
The concert has been by far the most exciting thing since my birthday, and I have nothing planned until the second week of June.
I hope all of you had a good weekend, as well as something to look forward to.
Catch you on the clip side.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Good friday, isn't that a Canadian holiday?

Spring break is now coming to an end.
I fully needed this break, and am now ready to get back to school and work.
On thursday, Dad took the two younger kids and I to James J. Hill's mansion.
The place was huge, abd here are a few choice pictures.

Ryan got to play the organ there.

Catch you on the flip side.