Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80’s movies?

I’m not a huge romantic; it’s just not a big thing for me. In fact PDA past hand holding annoys me. I mean really people do YOU want to see someone making out on the street you are walking on? And the whole Facebook official thing feels a little weird, like people don’t believe you are a couple if your relationship status doesn’t publicize that you are ‘in a relationship.’ Furthermore, I have also notice this rash of people putting more emphasis on the romance and cuteness of their relationship than on its lasting value.
But don’t get me wrong, I’m not like this great cynic of romance. I can take some, and I think everyone could use a bit of wooing in their life. So to prove to you I am not an all around hater of love, I have compiled a list of my favorite romantic movies. Yes I watch and ENJOY many romantic movies. Not so much romantic comedies, but that’s a whole other (and longer) subject.

Before the Sunset/Sunrise
The writing in both of these movies is so honest, so lovely. I am just in love with them.
"You can never replace anyone because everyone is made up of such beautiful specific details"

Love in the Afternoon
How you could believe Audrey Hepburn to be hussy is beyond me. But it's still a lovely movie.
"You know how I am Mr. Flannagn, I'm in the girl in the afternoon"

Don't take the money; hold out for the older brother.
"You have my hand print on your face"

When Harry met Sally
My favorite parts are the little interviews in this movie.
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

The most innocent of love stories, and it's Pixar.

You've got Mail
Possibly Tom Hanks' and Meg Ryan's cutest movie.
"He could be anyone. It could be that guy right there. Those flowers could be for you"

Benny and Joon
Love takes different shapes, this movie shows that well
"You can't bet a human Being!" Catch you on the flip side

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