Thursday, July 7, 2011

Linking it up

I've been doing some searching on the world wide interweb lately, and I was going to post a link here and there throughout the week but instead I was thought "why not make thing out of it?" You know? Like make it a kind of regular post about what I've happened upon, or what has stood out to me. It makes sense to do this at the end of the week, but for my first time I'll do now before I forget.

First we have my government shut down. Democracy at its finest people. I love politics and I love that my country gives me the opportunity to choose who to put in power, but when the people we put in power can't work together it makes you rethink the system.

On a possibly more scandalous note, there is the mother-in-law from hell. This story makes me think twice about whatever family I might marry into.

I have found another style blog, not that I need another one to follow. But Jentine from my edit has a great everyday style that I really enjoy.

My brothers introduced me to Storage Wars, and I am a fan. It's like thrifting mixed with gabling, but extreme.

Finally, I have been listening and singing to this nonstop for the past week and a half.

p.s. if you guys have any links you'd like to send me, feel free.

Catch you on the flip side.

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