Sunday, February 12, 2012

A goal without a date is just a dream - Milton H. Erickson

Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and if you are anything like me you've pt thought into what you will wear and give for Valentine's Day but not what you will do. So, to others with whom I am sharing a boat, here are some ideas.

Go out to eat. It doesn't need to be some big fancy place. In fact, why not go to the mom and pop restaurant or the hole in the wall Indian restaurant. The idea here is just to get out.

Or you could eat in. Make something nice and stress from and just enjoy some quiet time together.

Go out to a movie. The Vow is most likely to be the top date movie for the night, but there are others out such as One for the Money, The Decedents, and Safe House that look good.

Or make your own private theater and have a quiet night in. I've already posted some good movie ideas.

For my cold fellow friends, you can skating. It is a real trust building date for those like me who are not overly skilled on the ice.

Those of you blessed with a warmer climate can have a romantic picnic. But why not go all out and use real whine glasses, plates, silverware, etc.

Bowling is good for any climate, as well as any stage of the relationship.

For those of you who don't want to take your competitiveness into the open, have a game night in. Maybe even pair it with that romantic dinner in.

Dancing is also a good Valentine's Day date. Very romantic.

Catch you on the flip side.

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