Thursday, February 2, 2012

But what is this movie is the answer to all of out questions?

Seeing as Valentine's Day is this month, I have decided to dedicate this month's posts entirely to Valentine's Day related topics. First up are movies. What is cuter than a romantic movie date? And since love is possibly the most common theme in movies, it is easy to have a movie date with almost any type of crowd. Here are some examples for a variety of movie dates

For the family movie date
 You obviously want something that will be family friendly and entertaining. When in doubt my family will go towards the comedy, fairytale, or both.
Father of the Bride 1&2
Ella Enchanted
Princess Bride
Ever After
 For the girls movie night
For me, girls night is usually when I watch movies that I can't really watch around anyone else. I get to watch love stories without feeling embarrassed.
Pretty Woman
Sabrina (both the black and white and the Harrison Ford)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
A walk to remember
Moulin Rouge
Pride and Prejudice

For the first date
I am kind of against watching a sappy movie on a first date. Instead I suggest going towards something the guy is more likely to enjoy. Once again, comedy is a pretty safe choice.
Wedding Crashers
The Proposal
Addicted to Love
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
The Wedding Singer

For the longtime love
Here are just some tried and true love stories that don't fall into the pit of short lived popularity.
Last Chance Harvey
Love Actually
When Harry Met Sally
Love in the Afternoon

Catch you all on the flip side.

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