Friday, February 1, 2013

We all have goals

As I’ve posted about before, I have goals for this year. More like goals for this semester. At the end of every semester, and then again right before the beginning, I evaluate the last semester and make a list of things I want to do different or better. Also as I’ve posted before, last semester was a tough one, so there are a lot of things that I want different about this upcoming one. Since the list was too long I decided to pick a few main ones that I will focus on. I plan to take them on one at a time. The first is to get healthy, and I’ve broken it down into three steps. Exercise, food, and rest.
I have created and started a doable exercise plan for this semester. I want these changes to last, so my plan is to go slow and steady. I don’t want to go hard for the first few weeks and then not do it after that. I tried that already. Instead I’m going to start with something I know I can stick to, and then work up to the more intense. The food step is like that exercise, slow and steady. I’m not a massive unhealthy eater as is, I mean I’m a vegetarian and I make sure I am getting all the necessary nutrients. But there are some key ways that I could be better. I’ve stared by replacing my food choices with healthier options. Also, the sweets need to go. Not all of them and all the time, but I have an with issue with candy. If it is there, I will eat it. I have no self-control when it comes to candy, the bag is open one day, and empty the second. So candy is out, out of my room at least. The final step is rest. Both rest from school and actual rest. I need to take deliberate breaks, and make sure I am getting enough sleep.
I’m not trying to lose 20 pounds or anything, in fact I like the way I look and I feel no need to change it. Instead I am trying to live a well-balanced life. I want to be well balanced in mind, body, and soul. Over the last few years I have been developing a healthy lifestyle in mind and soul. But I have neglected the health of my body, and (as hippie as it sounds) I feel the imbalance. Therefore my goal is to develop habits for my body like I have for my mind and soul.
This is going to be an ongoing journey, and you are all invited.
Thus begins my first series, “healthy in college.”
Catch you on the flip side

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