Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Another Year, Another Chance to get it Right

As I said before, there are a lot of things I want to do in my life. And I’m starting now. I have a set of goals for this year, and I am going to take them on one by one. My plan is to take one goal at a time, preferably one month at a time. And I am going to do my best to make you all a part of it. My first goal I’ve already stated, I want to sell my things. This month is dedicated to crafting and selling. Mostly crafting because when interim ends I go back to school and I don’t have the time or materials to make all the things I want.
Here is just a quick outfit post to start off the New Year.
 The pants and scarf are a lovely gift from my mom, boots and sweater from Goodwill, grey tank from Target, and the earrings from Claire's

Catch you on the flip side

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