Friday, December 14, 2012

Sometimes, you just need to get over yourself

However difficult, stressful, and frustrating a situation can be, you can always getting something positive out of it. Instead of going on and on about how this semester has been all those things for me, I decided to look at the positive things. Lessons learned.

What I learned in my worst semester to date
1. Forget your pride
Get over yourself and talk to that professor about your grade, whether it be for a better one or to get help. Or open up to those friends. You have them for a reason, so if you’re unhappy with the relationship then tell them. Or if you’re going through a tough time, then tell them.
2. Let tomorrow worry about itself
Really you can only control the present. Do what you can now, and don’t worry over what might or might not happen in the future.
3. Forget about yesterday
There is no point in obsessing about something that has already happened. Instead learn from whatever that is and move on.
4. Check your priorities
If the most important thing to you right now is not going to matter in four years, then you need to change your focus.
5. Stop comparing yourself
Comparing yourself to others, on any account, is not healthy or helpful.
6. Know when to take a break
Don’t run yourself dry, take a day off once a week and plan in the hour of rest in your schedule.

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