Friday, December 21, 2012

I'm just full of ideas

As mentioned before, I’ve learned a few things this semester. More like I have a new understanding of a few things. The most important thing I got out of the past few months is that college is only four years. Only four years of my life. There is so much outside of this small place and that small amount of time. I don’t want to make everything about college; I want this time to be more than that. In high school I figured life started when I went on to college. And now in college I have started to think that life would start when I graduate. But that’s not true. There are a lot of things I want to do with my life and in my life, and why not start now. Why not start doing all the things I want to now.
I have a list (surprise, surprise) of what I want to do before I graduate. Some are bigger items (intern in DC) and some are not so big (learn how to apply eyeliner). This is not a New Year’s resolution or anything, more of a series of tasks. And I am going to tackle those tasks now. I even have a sort of mantra to go along with it. “Pick it. Plan it. Do it.”
My first pick is
“Sell my own things”
I’ve been crafting for years, and I want to see if I can sell some of my creations. I’ve started looking into venues and putting together pieces.
I’ve picked it. I’m planning it. And Next I’ll do it.

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