Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy Birthday America!

This Fourth of July , and the subsequent weekend were great. The fourth itself was pretty low-key, mostly because the heat just makes you want to punch things. Fortunately the heat wave has finally broken, which means a more pleasant summer job and more outside summer adventures.
Anyway, this weekend has been my family reunion. Minus my first sunburn of the summer, its been a good weekend, even including a boat tour of the Mississippi. Its great to see all the little quirks in my immediate family magnified by 20+ more people.
Here are some quick shots from the fourth, and I'll upload some from the weekend in a bit. In theory the outfit was perfect for the fourth (red, white, and blue and all), sadly I learned that a pencil skirt is not the best choice for Fourth of July attire.

Catch you all on the flip side.

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